ARC Review: Starry Eyes

Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett
Release Date: April 3, 2018
Music Pairing: Like Crazy Score by Duston O’Halloran

I was provided an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review.

I first have a confession to make: it took me reading this book before I decided to pick up Bennett’s Alex, Approximately, which I know many people are obsessed with. I’m currently reading it, and I’m sure there will be a review for it on my Goodreads page within the next couple days as well.

All that being said, wow. I devoured this book and could literally think of nothing else while I was reading it. It was real. It was cute. It was heartbreaking? It was uplifting and empowering. Mostly, though, it just felt like I was on a camping trip with these people who could easily have been traded out for people just like you and me.

Zorie is an extremely relatable character. She’s pretty OCD about planning things, with calendars and lists and detailed research running her life. So when she gets sent out to the woods for a camping trip – something she does NOT plan to enjoy – she’s totally out of her element. I, too, would not enjoy camping or leaving the safety of my wi-fi at home, so I totally get this!

However, she ends up going on a spectacular adventure, with some bumps and bruises and an ex-best friend, Lennon. Oooooooh, Lennon. Lennon is not your average YA male. He’s kind of goth? And loves reptiles, comics, and works in his parents’ sex shop sometimes when he’s not working at the reptile house. WHAT A GUY. So interesting, and his character is also SO REAL. I know I say that in every review, but he was such a dweeb but also loved hiking and was kind of built and ugh… Y’ALL. It was so fun to read about him! I know my reviews also always focus on the guy, but come on. I’m gushing because you NEED to know.

Ultimately, Zorie and Lennon’s relationship starts of rocky and then you have this amazing story about love, family (so much wonderful and tragic family stuff), and friendship. Bennett’s description of the landscape is also amazing, so I could really picture myself there. The book is separated into 3 parts, and there’s a cute map at the beginning of each part. So fun!

For real, read this book. I recommend it to anyone who loves a good wilderness and camping story with a relationship that is super exciting to read about. Let me know what you guys think in April, or you could request the book which is currently on NetGalley!

Thanks for reading!


One thought on “ARC Review: Starry Eyes

  1. softheartandwarmeyes March 2, 2019 / 8:34 pm

    I just ordered this one and I’m so excited to read it soon! I’m totally in the mood for fluffy and romantic and cute and just having a sweet, sweet, sweet time. “Y’ALL. It was so fun to read about him! I know my reviews also always focus on the guy, but come on. I’m gushing because you NEED to know.” lol We do, we do need to know. It’s only the truth.


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